The Combat Depression blog site is not an infinite resource on depression. This depression blog site is not created by doctors, or even anyone with any medical qualifications. The information contained within this Combat Depression blog site is created by someone who has lived with depression. The goal of this blog site is to provide freely available information that is helpful for you or those that you love in dealing with and living with depression.
Although I have had personal experience and put in a lot of research to create these articles here on Combat Depression, these articles are simply that, my experience and research. I must stress that depression can be a complicated illness, and you should seek professional help. The contents of this blog site are merely a collection of useful information that can help you in combating depression, the information contained with in this blog site may be used as complimentary to any professional treatment prescribed but should not be used as a sole source of information to combat depression.
I hope I have been clear. This depression blog site is by no means an extensive resource and as such I have put ads on this site which will hopefully display other relevant sources of information to help you combat depression, and may even make me feel better if i make a few dollars too, ha, ha.